Saturday, January 14, 2012

Open Support Ticket to

Godaddy Suport Ticket Incident# 13892333 

I do not agree with SOPA, I do not think you should support it. But I am not going to transfer my domain names away from you because of that political stance you have taken even though it is incredibly harmful to the internet and to freedom of speech. I would have thought you would have known better. And the ire of your customers is deserved. However, if we stopped using the services of every company that had poor political attitudes or bad sexist commercials there would not be many left and we would have constant political correctness exercises. However, I have been giving you money for my many domain names for a long time, and so I think I am a pretty good customer of yours, and chose you because of your support of Todd Cochrane. So I want to try to persuade you that both your commercials that are chauvinist and your political opinions concerning SOPA are both in bad taste and wrong, and I think you should reconsider them. But if we chastise you and refuse to do buisness with you due to your your freespeech then we are no better than you, and your support of SOPA which will destroy the internet as we know it. You cannot support freespeech by punishing others for their free speech and their political opinions. But I seriously want to suggest you reconsider, because if SOPA does go through I think you are going to see your customers turn even further against you. I was shocked to hear your supported it. I just don't know what you are thinking. Please reconsider your position.

Kent Palmer